Monday, February 28, 2011

Custom Sencha Touch Themes - Part 1

So I've been trying to get my Sencha Touch application to have buttons that look something like what you see on the left (Designed by my partner in crime, the awesome Daniel Winters; I am responsible for the ugly copyright notice).

The approach I began with:

new Ext.Button({

icon: ,
cls: 'homeButton x-btn-text-icon',
width: '40px',
height: '35px',
style: {
border: '0em rgb(0, 46, 50, 255)',
background: 'transparent',
webkitBoxSizing: 'content-box'

iconAlign: 'top',

That's not working so far. Not very well, at least. So I am going to try custom theme styling using SASS (Compass and SCSS sheets etc)