Tuesday, March 1, 2011

RemoteJS Android Browser Debugger Compilation on Windows - Sencha

The enterprising folks at Sencha have built a JS debugger for Android phone browsers. It's called RemoteJS Javascript Debugger. You need to check it out from Git and build it which is, quite frankly, a pain on a Windows box. Here's their instructions and then my experiences below.

I installed Qt (framework only), like the instructions said. Then I cloned the Git repository, also as described. Next comes the moment of truth "qmake". I am a luckless fellow; for whatever reason (my laziness in understanding), programs that I install are never recognized on the command line no matter what environment variables I set. So I ran qmake giving the path to the qmake.exe file (Qt\4.x\qmake\qmake.exe). This threw a

"Could not find mkspecs for your QMAKESPEC(win32-msvc2008) after trying:


The way to fix this (or at least, make it not give that error) is to run qmake.exe with the -spec argument, and give the path to the qmake.conf file appropriate to your platform. All the qmake.conf files can be found in Qt\4.x\mkspecs\YOUR_PLATFORM_NAME

So basically run:

PATH_TO_QMAKE\qmake.exe -spec PATH_TO_QMAKE.conf

Which brings me to the && make part of the instructions. This being a Windows box, there was no make on it. I downloaded and installed GnuMake and ran it on the makefile generated by the previous command. Apparently the generate makefile has errors in it, because what I get is:

Makefile.Release:59: *** missing separator. Stop.

And that's where I've stopped now. Oh and btw, the reason I'm doing this is so I can figure out why my styles don't come out on the Android browser the way that they do on the Chrome browser. Woe is me, and serves me right for using Windows I guess.

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